Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP); Lessons 1-120, main text
The ninth edition of this industry leader provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM and 3.5" disks that will work with your current computer setup.
Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP); Lessons 1-60 text
The ninth edition of this industry leader provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM that will work with your current computer setup.
Building from a strong foundation, this revision of GDP focuses on adding flexibility for the instructor. Multiple software enhancements and flexible Instructor Management, both LAN and Web-based, support the program's strong content.
Strong enhancements to the book while maintaining key elements support the cohesive program's strong content. Skillbuilding is reinforced with MAP+ (Misstroke Analysis and Prescription).
Learn basic keyboarding techniques and word processing functions. Increase your speed and accuracy on the keyboard and the 10-keypad.
This comprehensive text, provides three semesters of keyboarding and word processing instruction. All 120 lessons are in one convenient text, so students can advance from beginner to expert user without having to change texts.
- Step-by-step instructions for using all Word 2000, World 2002, and Word 2003 features.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.