" When even a wide-margin Bible can t offer sufficient space for note-taking, the Hendrickson New American Standard Loose-Leaf Bible allows readers to add pages wherever needed or transfer them to any standard three- or five-ring notebook.
This product will no longer be available for purchase effective May 31, 2022.
Cohen T, Neumann P, Weinstein M. Does preventive care save money? Health economics and the presidential candidates. New England Iournal ofMedicine, 358(7), 661—663, 2008. Fielding I, Husten C, Richland I. Does preventive care save money ...
The text, visual program, and assessments were developed together to provide students with the best resources to gain an understanding of modern biology.
Essays on the major divisions of the biblical text and the formation of the biblical canon Explanations of the Bible s historical background provide guidance through the ancient Near Eastern context Clarifies the varieties of biblical ...
This hands-on text, paired with a powerful online teaching and learning environment, WileyPLUS with ORION, offers students a practical set of tools for use in making business decisions based on financial information.
- This text combines a familiar curriculum with material from new research and applied areas such as finance, behavioral economics, and the political economy.
This package includes a three-hole punched, loose-leaf edition of ISBN 9781119305736 and a registration code for the WileyPLUS course associated with the text.
Designed for the 1-term Human Anatomy course, this 14th edition raises the standard for excellence in this discipline with its enhanced illustration program, refined narrative, and dynamic resources.
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