The Dynamics and Economics of Railway Track Systems
- Instructor's manual with solutions/Joel P. Stinson. - Study Guide/Joel P. Stinson.
... Director: Joe Sabatino Product Manager: Aaron Arnsparger Sr. Content Developer: Maggie Kubale Content Coordinator: Eileen Corcoran Sr. Product Assistant: Brad Sullender Marketing Manager: Heather Mooney Content Project Manager: Jana ...
This book focuses on the use of quantitative methods for both business and management, helping readers understand the most relevant quantitative methods for managerial decision-making.
Quantitative Approaches to Management
The third edition of this highly-regarded text has been fully updated whilst maintaining the accessible and comprehensive style that makes this text so popular.Packed with diverse realistic examples from Scotland to Saudi Arabia, this truly ...
Provide your students with a sound conceptual understanding of the role that management science plays in the decision-making process with the latest edition of the book that has defined today's management science course: ...
There are many worked-out examples in each chapter to enable students to comprehend the quantitative material of the book. The text is divided into two parts.
Quantitative Approaches to Management: Test bank
With an experimental case study of the application of these methods, this book delivers a comprehensive review of environmental management issues in construction.