This new dictionary provides a quick and authoritative point of reference for chemical engineering, covering areas such as materials, energy balances, reactions, and separations.
'Chemical engineering is the field of applied science that employs physical, chemical, and biological rate processes for the betterment of humanity'.
It is expected that this book will enhance students understanding and performance in the field and the development of the profession worldwide.
Outlines the concepts of chemical engineering so that non-chemical engineers can interface with and understand basic chemical engineering concepts Overviews the difference between laboratory and industrial scale practice of chemistry, ...
This book overcomes the difficulties surrounding chemical engineering in a comprehensive guide.
This handbook will serve the needs of practicing professionals as well as students preparing to enter the field.
The book demystifies complicated chemical engineering concepts through daily life examples and analogies. It contains many illustrations and tables that facilitate quick and in-depth understanding of the concepts handled in the book.
The book contains the author's experience sharing from his research in university, a bit of oil and gas exposure as well as oil and fats industry. The book tagline is "Learn something about chemical engineering that is not in your textbook.
Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 19 reflects the major impact of chemical engineering on medical practice, with chapters covering polymer systems for controlled release, receptor binding and signaling,and transport phenomena in ...
The most complete guide of its kind, this is the standard handbook for chemical and process engineers.