Automatica, Special Issue on Control Frontiers in Knowledge Based and ManMachine Systems, Vol. 19, pp. 595 - 603 Kollmannsberger, F. (1984). Entwicklung und Stand der Betriebsleittechnik bei der Deutschen Bundesbahn.
Models of Human Problem Solving : Detection , Diagnosis , and Compensation for System Failures . ” Special Issue on Control Frontiers in Knowledge - based and Man - Machine Systems . Automatica 19 : 613-625 . 22. Rouse , W.B. ( 1991 ) .
Bainbridge, L. (1983) Ironies of automation (Special Issue on Control Frontiers in Knowledge Based and Man-Machine Systems), Automatica 19, 775-779. Reason, J. T. (1990) Human Error, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
the human error detection and flexible automation system belongs to the category of the operator model support systems and covers the lower and ... ( Special Issue on Control Frontiers in Knowledge Based and Man - Machine Systems ) .
Human Interface. Tokyo, October. Johannsen, G., J.E. Rijnsdorp, and A.P. Sage. (1983). Human system interface concerns in support system design. Automatic. Special Issue on Control Frontiers in Knowledge Based and Man-Machine Systems, ...
A Bridge Between Control Science and Technology: Manufacturing, man-machine systems, computers, components, traffic control, space applications
But the role of men in automation systems was indeed an open question. In 1983 Pergamon Press published a special number of Automatica entitled “Control Frontiers in Knowledge Based and Man Machine Systems”.
Human - centered design processes for interactive systems . ... Mensch - Maschine - Systeme ( Human - computer systems ) . ... Usability engineering : Integration von Mensch - Computer - Interaktion und Software - Ergonomie .
Automatic Control: World Congress, 1987 : Selected Papers from the 10th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic...
Anticipation of divergences and and approved by the Ethik-Kommission Fakultät V – understanding human information needs to ... Analysis, Design and Evaluation Of Man-Machine Systems: Control Frontiers in Knowledge Based And Man-Machine ...