This work covers reaction engineering, both chemical and biochemical, together with measurement and process control. Topics include: chemical reactor design; micro-organism and enzyme catalysis; engineering principles of biochemical reactors; and the principles and applications of process control.
It is expected that this book will enhance students understanding and performance in the field and the development of the profession worldwide.
'Chemical engineering is the field of applied science that employs physical, chemical, and biological rate processes for the betterment of humanity'.
This new dictionary provides a quick and authoritative point of reference for chemical engineering, covering areas such as materials, energy balances, reactions, and separations.
This is an indispensable resource for anyone working as a chemical engineer or planning to enter the field.
Another approach to varying and controlling the flow output from the pump is to use a variable speed drive motor, instead of constant speed motor whose output is typically throttled by a control valve on either sides of the pump.
These five volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College students Educators, Professional practitioners, Research personnel and Policy analysts, managers, and decision makers and NGOs.
The Wilson equation (Wilson, 1964) is probably the most convenient for use in process design: In y = 10-m $ wo- $ | * | (8.38) j = 1 i = 1 $ (x, Aij) j = 1 where % = activity coefficient for component k, A, A, = Wilson coefficients (A ...
This book presents six visionary essays on the past, present and future of the chemical and process industries, together with a critical commentary.
... Version - Dean's Analytical Chemical Handbook (2nd Edition) - Dean's Handbook of Organic Chemistry (2nd Edition) - Encyclopaedia of Scientific Units, Weights and Measures - Handbook of Applied Surface and Colloid Chemistry, Vols.
The book provides practical insights into all areas of chemical engineering, including such aspects as pump design and the measurement of key process variables.