The comprehensive coverage of this book encompasses the properties of seawater which affect life in the ocean, classification of marine environments and organisms, phytoplankton and zooplankton, marine food webs, larger marine animals (marine mammals, seabirds and fish), life on the seafloor, and the way in which humans affect marine ecosystems. The second edition has been thoroughly updated, including much data available for the first time in a book at this level. There is also a new chapter on human impacts - from harvesting vast amounts of fish, pollution, and deliberately or accidentally transferring marine organisms to new environments. This book complements the Open University Oceanography Series, also published by Butterworth-Heinemann, and is a set text for the Open University third level course, S330. A leading undergraduate textNew chapter on human impacts - a highly topical subjectExpanded colour plate section
You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage (, by selecting “Customer Support' and then Obtaining Permissions' British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Lalli, Carol M. Biological ...
This new edition of Biological Oceanography includes a fresh introduction by the author, as well as an original foreword by noted oceanographer John Cullen.
This is the first comprehensive science-based textbook on the biology and ecology of the Baltic Sea, one of the world’s largest brackish water bodies.
Working over Georges Bank, Gordon Riley, along with Henry Stommel and Dean Bumpus, developed the fundamental understanding of how the spring bloom of phytoplankton is triggered by physical stability. From our twentyfirst-century ...
Clark, M. E., G. A. Jackson and W. J. North. 1972. Dissolved free amino acids in southern California coastal waters. Limnol. Oceanogr. 17, 749–758. Clark, R. B. and A. Milne. 1955. The sublittoral fauna of two sandy bays on the isle of ...
The book begins with an introduction to ecology, using foraging theory and analytic formulation of encounter rates of predator and prey as organizing principles.
Advances in Marine Biology has been providing in-depth and up-to-date reviews on all aspects of marine biology since 1963 -- over 45 years of outstanding coverage! The series is well-known for both its excellence of reviews and editing.
We have written Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life to engage introductory, college-level students in the excitement and challenge of understanding marine organisms, the environments in which they live, and the challenges they ...
Introduction to Physical and Biological Oceanography
This new book overcomes that imbalance, bringing these disparate marine science text formats closer together, giving them more equal weight, and introducing more effectively the physical sciences by showing students with everyday examples ...