The first edition of this popular reference work was published in 1993 and received critical acclaim for its achievement in bringing together international perspectives on research and development in giftedness and talent. Scholars welcomed it as the first comprehensive volume in the field and it has proved to be an indispensable resource to researchers. Since the first edition, the scholarly field of giftedness and talent studies has expanded and developed, welcoming contributions from researchers in related disciplines. Several theoretical frameworks outlined in the first edition have now been empirically tested and a number of new trends have emerged. The Second Edition of the International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent provides an invaluable research tool to academics, researchers and students interested in the field of giftedness and talent. The contributors are renowned in the field and the broad range of topics on giftedness that have been studied in the past century, right up to the late 1990s, are represented in this volume. It is truly international in scope, bringing together leading scholars and teachers from all around the world. This new edition has been fully updated and rewritten and includes 22 completely new chapters. It provides a comprehensive review and critical synthesis of significant theory; a unique cross-national perspective with contributions from over 100 distinguished authors covering 24 nations; significant contributions from scholars working in related fields; an increased focus on empirically supported scholarship; and is arranged for quick and easy reference with comprehensive subject and author indexes.
In analyzing the use of a teacher checklist in assessing eligible students for admittance to a gifted and talented ... professional development, Marshak (2001) examined the improvement of teaching in the high school block period.
Hardbound. Containing 53 chapters, this handbook draws on some 18 nations to provide a cross-national perspective that is unique. Written for readers with a sound knowledge base, it is designed...
In one comprehensive resource, this superb handbook covers everything you need to know about the subject.
This handbook incorporates the most recent thinking and cutting-edge research from a wide range of fields related to gifted education, including developmental and social psychology, the neurosciences, cognitive science, and education.
... the following picture has remained fairly static since 2012: Approximately one-third of pupils with high prior ... schools with a high level in SATS in English and maths did not achieve at least GCSE grade A in both those subjects.
This is the first ever handbook on giftedness and talent development for the Asia-Pacific region.
Robert J. Sternberg, Don Ambrose. Routledge international companion to gifted education (pp. 194–202). London, UK/New York, NY: Routledge. Dai, D. Y. (2011). Hopeless anarchy or saving pluralism? Reflection on our field in response to ...
In one comprehensive resource, this superb handbook covers everything you need to know about the subject.
In this volume, renowned developmental psychologists and experts in gifted education come together to explore giftedness from early childhood through the elder years.
In M. Kahveci and M. Orgill (Eds), Affective Dimensions in Chemistry Education. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 133–58. Taber, K.S. (2015b). Developing a research programme in science education for gifted learners. In N.L. Yates (Ed.), ...