The English-Russian dictionary of technical abbreviations contains nearly 65,000 entries covering various fields and subfields of engineering and technology. Abbreviations are widely used in technical literature and, as a rule, they create difficulties for the reader. Numerous abbreviations are used in technical literature dealing with space, agriculture, electronics, computer science, chemistry, thermodynamics, nuclear engineering, refrigeration, cryogenics, machinery, aviation, business, accounting, optics, radio electronics, and military fields, including abbreviations used on a wide scale by the Navy, Airforce and the Army. In many instances the same abbreviation is used in most different fields of engineering and technology though depicting different notions. There are cases when the same abbreviation may have dozen of meanings, depending on the specific field of engineering. The entries are arranged in alphabetical order. A wide range of literature has been explored for the selection and translation of the abbreviations. The dictionary has been compiled by comparing parallel texts in both languages, and by consultation with experts. This publication will be invaluable to the personnel of designing bureaus and research institutions, and also to translators, scientists, researchers, designers and university personnel dealing with various fields of engineering and technology. approx. 125,000 terms
The English-Russian dictionary of technical abbreviations contains nearly 65,000 entries covering various fields and subfields of engineering and technology.
AF Afghanistan. AF Agricoltura e Foreste (Italy). AF Air Force. AF The airline code for Air France. AF; af Alta FrequenDa. Italian initialism meaning: Digh Frequency. A 1/2 F A meDIB Ferrovia. Italian initialism meaning: by rail.
Elsevier's Dictionary of Cybernyms is a useful tool for translators, students, universities and computer enthusiasts.
Description: Over 10,000 abbreviations are added to this second edition of the dictionary, the first edition of which was published in 1999. The new edition contains over 30,000 abbreviations of...
The dictionary contains an alphabetical listing of approximately 30,000 (thirty thousand) acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations and symbols covering approximately 2,000 fields and subfields ranging from Pelagic Ecology to Anthrax Disease, ...
Elsevier's Foreign-language Teacher's Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations
Effective communication plays an important role in all medical settings, so turn to this trusted volume for nearly any medical abbreviation you might encounter. Symbols section makes it easier to locate unusual or seldom-used symbols.
Hardbound. A vast amount of information, including abbreviations of medical terms used in the field of anatomy, bacteriology, biology, chemistry, medicine (human and veterinary), pathology, pharmacology, etc., has been meticulously...
Dictionary of Russian technical and scientific abbreviations
This dictionary provides comprehensive coverage of the terminology of noise and noise control thus filling a major communications gap among health and safety professionals, labour and management representatives, scientists, and engineers ...