The theme of the present volume of Advances in Chemical Engineering is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and aims to show the state-of-the-art of the application of CFD in chemical engineering. The volume is made up of five complementary contributions, providing a style of between a tutorial and a research paper. Some contributions are entirely limited to velocity and temperature fields. Others emphasize the difficulties associated with the combination of transport and reaction. Contributions include dealing with the simulation of gas-liquid bubble columns and gas-liquid-solid fluidized beds. Addressing the different levels of modeling that are required in order to cover the full spectrum of length scales that are important for industrial applications. Stirred turbulent vessels and the chemical reactions. The importance of chemical reaction kinetics and the interaction with transport phenomena. Finally, looking at reactor engineering: the catalytic fixed bed reactor. Original reviews Leading chemical engineers as authors Reviewing the state-of-the-art of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 19 reflects the major impact of chemical engineering on medical practice, with chapters covering polymer systems for controlled release, receptor binding and signaling,and transport phenomena in ...
The focus of this volume of Advances in Chemical Engineering is on quantitative approaches, particularly based on chemical engineering principles, to analyze, control and optimize the steady state and dynamic behavior of low and high ...
Advances in Chemical Engineering
The intended audience of this book will mainly consist of researchers, research students, and practitioners in Chemical Engineering and allied fields. The book can also serve researchers and students involved in multidisciplinary research.
Contains contributions from experts in their respective areas Updated, state-of-the-art work on partitioning bioreactors
This is a huge research topic, “hot and with a huge potential due to new possibilities offered by these systems to cope with problems that cannot be addressed by robots built from rigid bodies.
Lattice Boltzmann Modeling for Chemical Engineering, Volume 56 in the Advances in Chemical Engineering series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on Simulations of homogeneous and ...
Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 58 in this long-running serial, highlights new advances in the field with this new volume presenting interesting and timely chapters written by an international board of authors.
Advances in Polymer Reaction Engineering, Volume 56 in the Advances in Chemical Engineering series is aimed at reporting the latest advances in the field of polymer synthesis.
This thematic volume of Advances in Chemical Engineering presents the latest advances in the exciting interdisciplinary field of nanostructured materials.