The Rape Investigation Handbook is the first practical and hands-on manual written by sex crime investigators and forensic scientists, providing students with first-hand insight into the work of these professionals. It is the only comprehensive reference available on the investigation of sexual assault and rape. It includes extensive accounts of perpetrators, victims, and other rape case evidence for identification of incidents of rape. The key feature of this text is a thorough overview of the investigative and forensic processes related to sex crime investigation. It takes the reader through investigative and forensic processes in a logical sequence, showing how investigations of rape and sexual assault can and should be conducted from start to finish. This book is designed to be accessible, in terms of language and approach, to the student in the classroom learning about the subject for the first time. It is an excellent training manual for sex crime investigators as well as an excellent textbook for any hands-on university course on the subject of sex crime investigation. This book would also serve as a useful supplement for any investigative course involving violent crime or death investigation. * The only comprehensive reference available on the investigation of sexual assault and rape, a crime 10 times more prevalent than murder * Authored by qualified investigators and forensic professionals with more than twenty years of collective experience working cases, preparing them for court, and offering testimony * Written in a clear, practical style, ideal for professionals in forensic nursing, law enforcement, the legal community, and the investigative community
This unique handbook educates readers in how drugs are used as weapons in committing sexual assaults.
This book contextualizes the complexity of sexual violence within its broader context – from war to the resolution of interpersonal disputes – and covers a wide span including sexual harassment, bullying, rape and murder as well as ...
Selected topics covered in this book include: Feminist theories of sexual assault Social and economic factors surrounding sexual violence Mental, physiological, physical, and functional health concerns of victims, including PTSD Major ...
A practical handbook on sexual assault investigation that delineates a multifaceted and systematic investigative approach to conducting a thorough sexual assault investigation. It is written by a seasoned retired law enforcement officer.
This Second Edition of Practical Aspects of Rape Investigation presents the latest research findings on the FBI study of the serial rapist. It also provides new and challenging directions for...
This was the result of the belief at the time that no woman could conceive if she did not consent to the act. Perhaps the most striking and long-lasting statements on this subject came from Sir Mathew Hale, a noted English jurist who in ...
Phillips, V. L., Saks, M.J., & Peterson, J. L. (2001). The application of signal detection theory to ... Risinger, D. M., Saks, M. J., Thompson, W. C., & Rosenthal, R. (2002, January). The Daubert/Kumho implications of observer effects ...
Consider multiple geographical behavioral scenarios. The investigative information in the case can be used to create a geographical scenario about the relative importance of certain crime ... Prostitueemoorden in kaart gebracht.
In Milville, New Jersey, two female roommates (Dawn Moran, 44 and Jamie Wilson, 23) made false allegations of physical and sexual assault against Moran's ex-husband. This was done to conceal their attempt to rob him in his home at ...
Unlike other such manuals, this one combines specialized info from dozens of scientific and investigative references in one handy volume.