The second edition of this innovative work again provides a unique perspective on the clinical discovery process by providing input from experts within the NIH on the principles and practice of clinical research. Molecular medicine, genomics, and proteomics have opened vast opportunities for translation of basic science observations to the bedside through clinical research. As an introductory reference it gives clinical investigators in all fields an awareness of the tools required to ensure research protocols are well designed and comply with the rigorous regulatory requirements necessary to maximize the safety of research subjects. Complete with sections on the history of clinical research and ethics, copious figures and charts, and sample documents it serves as an excellent companion text for any course on clinical research and as a must-have reference for seasoned researchers. *Incorporates new chapters on Managing Conflicts of Interest in Human Subjects Research, Clinical Research from the Patient's Perspective, The Clinical Researcher and the Media, Data Management in Clinical Research, Evaluation of a Protocol Budget, Clinical Research from the Industry Perspective, and Genetics in Clinical Research *Addresses the vast opportunities for translation of basic science observations to the bedside through clinical research *Delves into data management and addresses how to collect data and use it for discovery *Contains valuable, up-to-date information on how to obtain funding from the federal government
TABLE 3.3 Standard Errors Statistic Standard Error Mean M /n Median Median 1.253 /n Standard deviation S 0.71 /n Md ... Pearson's. Correlation. The correlation between two variables is the way and degree to which one variable change ...
This is a comprehensive major reference work for our SpringerReference program covering clinical trials.
A concise overview of the essential aspects of clinical research and trial design.
The book addresses the main concepts of clinical research, basics of biostatistics, advanced topics in applied biostatistics, and practical aspects of clinical research, with emphasis on clinical relevance across all medical specialties.
... Structured Clinical Interview for DSM - IV ( SCID - IV ) , interview responses are mutually and exclusively coded ... For our discussion , it is useful to distinguish between semistructured interviews , which are more commonly used ...
Part of "RPS Pharmacy Business Administration Series", this book offers good clinical practice guidelines.
Addressing research questions exclusively applicable to dentistry and oral health, the book thoroughly illustrates the principles and practice of oral health clinical research.
This book will prove invaluable for medical, statistical, and biological cancer researchers, health care professionals, and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry.
Written by authors with clinical and research experience, this book is intended for midwives and student midwives participating in Diploma, Advanced Diploma and first level degree programmes.
For those involved in research or considering research careers, this book offers a mix of practical advice and analytical tools for effective training in theoretical principles as well as specific, usable teaching examples.