Origins of Life on the Earth and in the Cosmos, Second Edition, suggests answers to the age-old questions of how life arose in the universe and how it might arise elsewhere. This thorough revision of a very successful text describes key events in the evolution of living systems, starting with the creation of an environment suitable for the origins of life. Whereas one may never be able to reconstruct the precise pathway that led to the origin of life on earth, one can certainly make some plausible reconstructions of it. Such discussions have greatly expanded our understanding of the principles of chemical evolution and how they compare and contrast with the principles of biological evolution. The text is strong on biochemistry and its recent applications to origins' research. Provides an excellent review of basic biochemistry an evolution Written in a clear, concise style for scientists, students, and readers interested in a scientific inquiry into the origins of life Written by an authority in the field, and brought fully up-to-date in light of new research Pulls together valuable information not found in a single source Organized and presented in a manner conductive for use in a college course Heavily illustrated to make difficult concepts concrete
Providing a comprehensive account of the environment of the early Earth and descriptions of how the first self-replicating systems emerged from prebiotic chemistry and evolved into primitive cell-like entities, this book is an essential ...
The Origins of Life on the Earth
The origins of life remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of science.
In this fascinating book, John Maynard Smith and Eors Szathmary present an original picture of evolution.
This is an error well known to those bookies who are accustomed to taking bets on the stacking of horse races. But we did not begin our investigation from this point of view.
THE O RIE S We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things that happened before and after the origin of life. Before the origin of life there were geophysical and chemical processes that left behind traces observable ...
Classical information theory presupposes that the transmission of information is based on a purely one-way “Laplacian” deterministic transfer mechanism whereby the instruction encoded in a one-dimensional (“linear”) digital information ...
This text will not only appeal to graduate students but to the large body of scientists interested in the challenges presented by the origin of life, its evolution, and its possible existence beyond Earth.
The most fascinating questions on the history of the Universe are answered in this text.
The Emergence of the Fourth Geosphere Eric Smith, Harold J. Morowitz ... 8.2.1 Herbert Simon's arguments that modularity is prerequisite to hierarchical complexity Herbert Simon was a widely synthetic thinker about the nature of ...