Nutritional Biochemistry takes a scientific approach to nutrition. It covers not just "whats"--nutritional requirements--but why they are required for human health, by describing their function at the cellular and molecular level. Each case study either leads to a subsequent discovery or enables an understanding of the physiological mechanisms of action of various nutrition-related processes. The text is "picture-oriented" and the commentary is directed towards explaining graphs, figures, and tables. Nutritional Biochemistry includes a discussion of relevant aspects of physiology, food chemistry, toxicology, pediatrics, and public health. Experimental techniques for nutritional science are emphasized, and primary data is included to help give students a feel for the nutrition literature. This "real-world" approach provides students with a realistic view of the basis for much of our understanding of nutritional biochemistry. Integrates biochemistry and nutrition in a case-oriented method Emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning - case histories and clinical and research data illustrate all major points Places emphasis on metabolism - metabolic pathways, enzymology, nutrient requirements (including RDA values) Reveals the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, the biochemistry of exercise, the cell signaling pathways, how nutrition can influence the development of cancer, and the anthropometry and genetics of obesity
Nutritional Biochemistry
Bar-Shavit Z, Teitelbaum SL, Reitsma P, Hall A, Pegg LE, Trial J, and Kahn AJ (1983) Induction of monocytic differentiation and bone resorption by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Proceedings ofthe NationalAcademy ofSciences ofthe USA 80, ...
Scientific experts, who are recognized leaders in the field, weigh in with their opinions on both sides of these issues in this book.
The Brazilian Society of Nutrition, through the present public ation, brings to the attention of the world scientific community the works presented at the XI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF NUTRITION which, promoted by this Society and under the ...
Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism: With Clinical Applications
In exploring the known biochemical functions of the vitamins, this book considers the effects of deficiency or excess and the scientific basis for intakes for the prevention of deficiency and promotion of optimum health.
The text also defines the nutrition system of worms, insects, and protozoa. The generation of ATP in terminal respiration and anaerobic glycolysis, as well as ATP's role in energy transfer, is noted.
"The principles set out in this book are at the same time both ancient and revolutionary.
While examining the use of zinc picolinate to treat children with acrodermatitis enteropathica, a genetic disorder that results ... found that zinc and other metal picolinates were absorbed better than the corresponding mineral salts.
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