For many years, it has been known that when rats and mice are given a reduced amount of food, their life span is increased and they remain healthy and vigorous at advanced ages. What is the reason for this change in the usual pattern of aging? The evidence is overwhelming that the life extension results from a slowing of aging processes. And the factor responsible is the decrease in caloric intake. The obvious question: How does this factor work? A good question - and the reason that research on the anti-aging action of caloric restriction is today one of the most studied research areas in biological gerontology. For it is felt that if the biological mechanisms of the anti-aging action of caloric restriction can be uncovered, we would gain an understanding of the basic nature of aging processes, which would, in turn, yield possible interventions in human aging. This book aims to provide the growing number of researchers in this field (faculty, postdoctoral trainees, and graduate students) with a detailed knowledge of what is known about caloric restriction within the frame of gerontology, as well as insights on future of this field.
This book brings us closer to an understanding at the molecular, cellular and whole organism level of the way forward. Food or calorie restriction has been shown in many short-lived animals and the rhesus monkey to prolong life-span.
That's how I got started in typing the first words for this book.********* TABLE OF CONTENTS *********** Introduction Basic Principles of Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition What You Will NOT Find in this Book How Should You Use This ...
Recently featured on Oprah and 60 Minutes, CR is continuing to gain momentum. With updated research and new information about exercise and food choices, The Longevity Diet is the key to a longer, healthier life.
How will the present conclusions affect further research? What are the implications for human health and safety assessment? These are the main questions asked in this book by leading international researchers.
Intermittent fasting is similar to caloric restriction, a straightforward diet that involves a reduction of the amount of ingested calories while maintaining proper nutritional value of food to stay healthy.
2 Lee CK, Allison DB, Brand J, Weindruch R, Prolla TA: Transcriptional profiles associated with aging and middle age-onset ... in Scanes CG, Schriebman MP (eds): Development, Maturation, and Senescence of the Neuroendocrine System.
For example, obesity is estimated to lead to costs of $147 billion in the United States [5]. While research on individual level interventions for ... Abdel-Hamid T (2009) Thinking in circles about obesity: applying systems thinking to ...
Chapman IM. Nutritional disorders in the elderly. Med Clin North Am 2006;90:887À907. Chapman IM. Endocrinology of anorexia of ageing. ... Aliani M, Udenigwe CC, Girgih AT, Pownall TL, Bugera JL, Eskin MNA. Zinc deficiency and taste ...
These are all chemically laden foods, not natural; and seriously can cause harm to your health. Always eat natural foods.
Dietary Strategies for Healthy Aging – Caloric Restriction and Beyond