This book aims to highlight the vigour, diversity and insight of the various cognitive science perspectives on personality and emotion. It aims also to emphasise the rigorous scientific basis for research to be found in the integration of experimental psychology with neuroscience, connectionism and the new evolutionary psychology. The contributors to this book provide a wide-ranging survey of leading-edge research topics. It is divided into three parts, on general frameworks for cognitive science, on perspectives from emotion research, and on perspectives from studies of personality traits.
This volume brings together philosophical perspectives on emotions, imagination, and moral reasoning with contributions from neuroscience, cognition, social psychology, developmental psychology, and abnormal psychology.
The Handbook of Operator Fatigue provides a comprehensive account of this subject to serve as the definitive reference work for researchers, students and practitioners alike.
The development of autobiographical memory. Anxiety and attentional control. The neurophysiology of gender differences in cognitive ability. Intelligence and cognitive control. Individual differences in dual task coordination.
This volume brings together philosophical perspectives on emotions, imagination and moral reasoning with contributions from neuroscience, cognitive science, social psychology, personality theory, developmental psychology, and abnormal ...
Fluir en el Deporte. Badalona: Paidotribo. Jackson, S.A., Kimiecik, J. C., Ford, S., & Marsh, H. W. (1998). Psychological correlates of flow in sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20, 358–378. Janoff-Bulman, R. (1989).
Personality and emotion: Cognitive science perspectives. In S. E. Hampson (Ed.), Advances in personality psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 199–237). London: Routledge. Matthews, G., & Desmond, P. A. (2002). Task-induced fatigue states and ...
The field of intelligence is lively on many fronts, and this volume provides full coverage on topics such as behavior-genetic models, evolutionary models, cognitive models, emotional intelligence, practical intelligence, and group ...
The central argument of this book is that cognition is not the whole story in understanding intellectual functioning and development.
Cognitive Science Perspectives on Personality and Emotion. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Klein, S.B., Babey, S.H. and Sherman, J.W. (1997) 'The functional independence of trait and behavioral selfknowledge: Methodological considerations and new ...
This book presents the contributions of the members of an Advanced Research Workshop on Cogni ti ve Science Perspectives on Emotion, Motivation and Cognition.