Rheumatoid arthritis is a bewilderingly complex disease involving the interactions of many, and varied, cell populations and multiple families of low and high molecular mass mediators. We are only slowly beginning to understand the mechanisms that produce the local and systematic pathology clinically recognized as rheumatoid arthritis. Increasingly, use is being made of experimental models of this disease in an effort to test hypotheses about putative pathological mechanisms and to investigate the effect of novel therapeutic agents. A major section of this book covers these experimental models in great detail from their development through to reviews of the most recent information on each model. Mechanisms and Models in Rheumatoid Arthritis brings together a group of eminent researchers from the fields of clinical rheumatology, pathology, experimental pathology, immunology, connective tissue biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology and developmental biology to describe the current views of the cellular and humoral mechanisms that drive the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis and experimental models of rheumatoid arthritis. Key Features: * The book is divided into five sections: * The clinical spectrum, aetiopathogenesis, the role of microbial superantigens in pathology and the present and future therapies for rheumatoid arthritis * The pathology of rheumatoid arthritis, the development and role of synovial pannus and the use of immunohistochemistry in defining synovial pathology * Cell populations involved in synovitis with chapters on synovial cells, chondrocytes, bone cells, leukocytes and leukocyte trafficking * Mediators, with coverage of: cytokines and cytokine inhibitors, growth factors, free radicals and inflammatory lipid mediators, neuropeptides and proteases * Current studies on experimental models of rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease, an estimated 1. 5% of the population being under medical treatment for it in European countries and elsewhere.
... cell wall-induced polyarthritis in the rat. Mechanisms for chronicity and regulation of susceptibility. ... Arthritis induced in rats with non-immunogenic adjuvants as models for rheumatoid arthritis. Immunol Rev 184:184–202. 31.
This volume focuses on therapeutic targets that were identified after TNF blockade. All these targets have recently been registered or are currently under development for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
This book, the third volume of the new series 'Current Directions in Autoimmunity', is the first one to exclusively focus on one disease.
This book presents case histories that are chosen for two purposes: to illustrate in a clinical context essential points about the mechanisms of immunity; and to describe and explain some of the immunological problems often seen in the ...
In Buckwater FSJ (ed.). Osteoarthritis, Inflammation and Degradation A Continuum. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 219–235. 11. 13. 15. 16. 17. 3. Haywood L, Pearson CI, 292 TREATING INFLAMMATION TO RELIEVE OSTEOARTHRITIC PAIN.
This book provides readers with an up-to-date and comprehensive view on the resolution of inflammation and on new developments in this area, including pro-resolution mediators, apoptosis, macrophage clearance of apoptotic cells, possible ...
Experimental Models of Infection, Inflammation and Injury, Volume 168 provides step-by-step protocols for scientific researchers to effectively utilize experimental model systems.
In view of the deficiencies in the current drug treat ment of chronic inflammatory disease there are many who feel that this is largely due to the inadequacy of the models avail able for test purposes.
Researchers and clinicians alike will appreciate the perspectives on new strategies in diagnostics and therapy. The text is rounded off by a glossary explaining over 100 related terms, many of them precisely defined here for the first time.