Statistical Orbit Determination presents fundmentals of orbit determination--from weighted least squares approaches (Gauss) to today's high-speed computer algorithms that provide accuracy within a few centimeters. Numerous examples and problems are provided to enhance readers' understanding of the material. Covers such topics as coordinate and time systems, square root filters, process noise techniques, and the use of fictitious parameters for absorbing un-modeled and incorrectly modeled forces acting on a satellite. Examples and exercises serve to illustrate the principles throughout each chapter.
This modern presentation guides readers through the theory and practice of satellite orbit prediction and determination.
This thesis is a partial analysis of the Naval Space Command statistical orbit determination algorithms.
Presents new algorithms for determining orbits; ideal for graduate students and researchers in applied mathematics, physics, astronomy and aerospace engineering.
Methods of Orbit Determination for the Microcomputer
The determination of visual binary orbits is the problem of computing orbital elements of a binary from a set of observed positions.
A textbook that incorporates the latest methods used for the analysis of spacecraft orbital, attitude, and structural dynamics and control.
THE N-BODY PROBLEM AND STELLAR DYNAMICS G. CONTOPOULOS / Problems of Stellar Dynamics 177 w. T. KYNER / Invariant Manifolds in Celestial Mechanics 192 s. J.
Modern Orbit Determination is an introduction to the applications of estimation theory to orbit determination.
This is a short course covering advanced topics in state estimation and Kalman filtering.
Landau, L. D. and Lifshitz, E. M., Mechanics, Pergamon Press, 1960. Segal, S. and Gurfil, P., “Effect of Kinematic Rotation-Translation Coupling on Relative Spacecraft Translational Dynamics”, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, ...