Volume 22 of Research in Organizational Behavior continues the tradition of innovation and theoretical development with eight diverse papers. Most of these papers present theory and propositions that make linkages between different levels of analysis.
This volume celebrates the first quarter century of publishing Research in Organizational Behavior.
Research in Organizational Behavior: An Annual Series of Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews
Research in Organizational Behavior: A Research Annual Series Analytical Essays and Critical Reviews
Volume 22 of Research in Organizational Behavior continues the tradition of innovation and theoretical development with eight diverse papers.
The Handbook of Research on Positive Organizational Behavior for Improved Workplace Performance is a collection of innovative research that combines the theory and practice of positive psychology as a means of ensuring happier employees and ...
This is the 17th volume in an annual series of reviews of research in organizational behaviour.
This book is essential study for those travelling in that direction.Õ Ð Romie Frederik Littrell, Journal of International Business This state-of-the-art Handbook encompasses theoretical and empirical research on Chinese organizational ...
Includes essays which span several levels of analysis, ranging from studies of individuals to groups to organizations and their environments. This series covers topics from individual emotion and cognition to social movements and networks.
Research Methods in Organizational Behavior
New to this Edition A new Emotions and Moods chapter delves into important topics like emotional intelligence, emotional contagion, and affective neuroscience.