Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs explains how to design and develop digital electronic systems using programmable logic devices (PLDs). Totally practical in nature, the book features numerous (quantify when known) case study designs using a variety of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD), for a range of applications from control and instrumentation to semiconductor automatic test equipment. Key features include: * Case studies that provide a walk through of the design process, highlighting the trade-offs involved. * Discussion of real world issues such as choice of device, pin-out, power supply, power supply decoupling, signal integrity- for embedding FPGAs within a PCB based design. With this book engineers will be able to: * Use PLD technology to develop digital and mixed signal electronic systems * Develop PLD based designs using both schematic capture and VHDL synthesis techniques * Interface a PLD to digital and mixed-signal systems * Undertake complete design exercises from design concept through to the build and test of PLD based electronic hardware This book will be ideal for electronic and computer engineering students taking a practical or Lab based course on digital systems development using PLDs and for engineers in industry looking for concrete advice on developing a digital system using a FPGA or CPLD as its core. Case studies that provide a walk through of the design process, highlighting the trade-offs involved. Discussion of real world issues such as choice of device, pin-out, power supply, power supply decoupling, signal integrity- for embedding FPGAs within a PCB based design.
The book begins with a valuable review of basic logic design concepts before introducing the fundamentals of VHDL. The book concludes with detailed coverage of advanced VHDL topics.
A Verilog equivalent of authors Roth and John's previous successful text using VHDL, this practical book presents Verilog constructs side-by-side with hardware, encouraging students to think in terms of desired hardware while writing ...
* Choose the right programmable logic devices and development tools * Understand the design, verification, and testing issues * Plan schedules and allocate resources efficiently Choose the right programmable logic devices with this guide to ...
Nowadays, we witness the rapid growth of new and new chips, but there is a strong lack of new design methods. This book includes a variety of design and test methods targeted on different digital devices.
The text considers a hypothetical robot controller as an embedded application and weaves around it related concepts of FPGA-based digital design.
The following example is a simple Register Transfer Level (RTL) digital model. Example E.3 A digital circuit consists of two 8−bit registers A and B and one 1−bit register (flip flop) C. Initially, the contents of Register A are all ...
The role of fault simulation algorithms is very well explained, and its implementation using Verilog is the key aspect of this book. This book is well organized into 20 chapters.
Design engineers working in industry will also want to consider this book for a rapid introduction to FPLD technology and logic synthesis using commercial CAD tools, especially if they have not had previous experience with the new and ...
Introduction to Digital Design Using Digilent FPGA Boards: Block Diagram / Verilog Examples
Well-known bootloaders from the past include Sparc Improved Boot LOader (SILO), LInux LOader (LILO), and MIPS PROM. Bootloaders have emerged in the PC world as well. The BIOS still runs first, then a bootloader is launched, ...