This is a textbook on applied probability and statistics with computer science applications for students at the upper undergraduate level. It may also be used as a self study book for the practicing computer science professional. The successful first edition of this book proved extremely useful to students who need to use probability, statistics and queueing theory to solve problems in other fields, such as engineering, physics, operations research, and management science. The book has also been successfully used for courses in queueing theory for operations research students. This second edition includes a new chapter on regression as well as more than twice as many exercises at the end of each chapter. While the emphasis is the same as in the first edition, this new book makes more extensive use of available personal computer software, such as Minitab and Mathematica.
The text provides detailed description of random variables, standard probability distribution, central limit theorem, random processes and spectral theory.
This book is also a valuable reference for practitioners in applied mathematics, operations research, engineering, and industrial engineering.
Designed as a textbook for the B.E./B.Tech. students of computer science and engineering and information technology, this book provides the fundamental concepts and applications of probability and queueing theory.
This book will also be of interest to practicing engineers and researchers in these areas.
With this in mind, we have made problems an integral part of this work and have attempted to make them interesting as well as informative.
The fraction of customers blocked foran M/M/c/c queue is B(4,2). Thiscanbe calculated iteratively using (2.54): Alternatively, B(4,2) can be calculated from (2.53): The probability of delay 1 − W q (0)foran M/M/c queue isC(4, 2), ...
[298] G. Shafer. The Art of Causal Conjecture (MIT Press, 1996). (Cited on p. 477.) [299] G. Shafer and V. Vovk. Probability and Finance: It's Only a Game! (John Wiley & Sons, 2001). (Cited on pp. xxviii, 14, 268, 304, 308.) ...
G. Falin (1990), A survey of retrial queues, Queueing Systems, 7, 127-168. W. Feller (1968), An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol. 1, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York. [90] T.C. Fry (1928), Probability and ...
This book provides an introduction to basic queuing systems, such as M/M/1 and its variants, as well as newer concepts like systems with priorities, networks of queues, and general service policies.
Along with the needed prerequisite fundamentals in probability, statistics, and Laplace transform, Difference and Differential Equations with Applications in Queueing Theory provides: A discussion on splitting, delayed-service, and delayed ...