Kurti and Czako have produced an indispensable tool for specialists and non-specialists in organic chemistry. This innovative reference work includes 250 organic reactions and their strategic use in the synthesis of complex natural and unnatural products. Reactions are thoroughly discussed in a convenient, two-page layout--using full color. Its comprehensive coverage, superb organization, quality of presentation, and wealth of references, make this a necessity for every organic chemist. * The first reference work on named reactions to present colored schemes for easier understanding * 250 frequently used named reactions are presented in a convenient two-page layout with numerous examples * An opening list of abbreviations includes both structures and chemical names * Contains more than 10,000 references grouped by seminal papers, reviews, modifications, and theoretical works * Appendices list reactions in order of discovery, group by contemporary usage, and provide additional study tools * Extensive index quickly locates information using words found in text and drawings
511112, THF, HMPA о \ \ 45% (сндзме Me Me M€(H2C)5 (2 :1 ) Me I. Е. Marko, F. Murphy, S. Donlan, Т etrahedron Letters 1996, 3_7, 2089 OM ОМГР H Name) _» CSHI 1 / CsHl 1 1P о Ph, 302 отвз 8°% OMe =< Me>LOMC Me >-0H _»M“ >—о l-methyl- 1 ...
Every synthetic organic chemist will want to have a copy on his or her desk. K. C. Nicolaou, E. J. Sorensen Classics in Total Synthesis Targets, Strategies, Methods This book is a must for every synthetic organic chemist.
It was discovered serendipitously by Alexander Fleming in 1928 that a fungus of the Penicillum family produces a material that has powerful antimicrobial activity. For that discovery, he received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945 ...
This Second edition contains consise information on 134 carefully chosen named organic reactions - the standard set of undergraduate and graduate synthetic organic chemistry courses.
Intended for students of intermediate organic chemistry, this text shows how to write a reasonable mechanism for an organic chemical transformation.
humans and the environment where their toxicities are well understood (Nelson, W. M. Green Solvents for Chemistry Perspectives ... W. M. Green Solvents for Chemistry Perspectives and Practice; Oxford University Press: Oxford; 2003, p.
A best-selling mechanistic organic chemistry text in Germany, this text's translation into English fills a long-existing need for a modern, thorough and accessible treatment of reaction mechanisms for students of organic chemistry at the ...
This book shows that an with an elementary knowledge of kinetic and some common sense, it is possible to harness radicals into a tremendously powerful tool for solving synthetic problems.
Organic Synthesis: Strategy and Control is a sequel to Stuart Warren's bestseller Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach. The 'Disconnection' book concentrated on the planning behind the synthesis of compounds.
This title provides a forum for investigators to discuss their approach to the science and art of organic synthesis in a unique way.