Awarded Best Reference by the New York Public Library (2004), Outstanding Academic Title by CHOICE (2003), and AAP/PSP 2003 Best Single Volume Reference/Sciences by Association of American Publishers' Professional Scholarly Publishing Division, the first edition of Encyclopedia of Insects was acclaimed as the most comprehensive work devoted to insects. Covering all aspects of insect anatomy, physiology, evolution, behavior, reproduction, ecology, and disease, as well as issues of exploitation, conservation, and management, this book sets the standard in entomology. The second edition of this reference will continue the tradition by providing the most comprehensive, useful, and up-to-date resource for professionals. Expanded sections in forensic entomology, biotechnology and Drosphila, reflect the full update of over 300 topics. Articles contributed by over 260 high profile and internationally recognized entomologists provide definitive facts regarding all insects from ants, beetles, and butterflies to yellow jackets, zoraptera, and zygentoma. * 66% NEW and revised content by over 200 international experts * New chapters on Bedbugs, Ekbom Syndrome, Human History, Genomics, Vinegaroons * Expanded sections on insect-human interactions, genomics, biotechnology, and ecology * Each of the 273 articles updated to reflect the advances which have taken place in entomology research since the previous edition * Features 1,000 full-color photographs, figures and tables * A full glossary, 1,700 cross-references, 3,000 bibliographic entries, and online access save research time * Updated with online access
The Encyclopedia of Insects is a comprehensive work devoted to all aspects of insects, including their anatomy, physiology, evolution, behavior, reproduction, ecology, and disease, as well as issues of exploitation, conservation, and ...
This beautifully illustrated guide provides a fascinating overview of the world of arthropods.
Combining authoritative, easy-to-read essays with accurate illustrations and full color photographs, this encyclopedia covers all of the families that encompass the million-plus species of insects and spiders. A unique and...
Combines authoritative reference information with readable essays and exciting illustrations (color photographs and commissioned art work).
This is a project of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), the worldwide organizing body for the scientific study of social insects.
An introduction to the hidden worlds of popular insects profiles their habits, habitats, and diets while providing thematic spreads that share additional historical and geographical fun facts.
Die Bilderenzyklopadie Von Insekten
A visual directory featuring every order of the insect world, with a natural history introduction.
All you ever wanted to know about reptiles and insects and more.
Provides an introduction to more than 100 insects and arachnids, giving general information about family characteristics and habits, and more specific facts about some species.