Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment provides a state-of-the-art compilation of assessment and treatment practices with proven effectiveness. A substantial body of evidence is presented to provide students, academics, and clinicians with specific science-based treatments that work. The book includes contributions by well-known researchers on addiction treatment and explicit case examples. Written at a level appropriate for a variety of audiences, research studies are discussed but highly sophisticated knowledge in research methodology is not required. Treatments that work Explicit case examples Contributions by well-known researchers on addiction treatment Simple ways to evaluate treatment effectiveness
Kushner, m. g., Abrams, K., & Brochardt, C. (2000). The relationship between anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorders: A review of major perspectives and findings. Clinical Psychology Review, 20, 149–171. laberg, J. C., & ellertsen, ...
Morrison, D. (2004). Real-world use of evidence-based treatments in community behavioral health care. Psychiatric Services, 55,485–487. Oser, C. B., Staton Tindall, M., & Leukefeld, C. G. (2006). HIV testing in corrections agencies and ...
With a unique focus on neuroscience, integration of CACREP standards, and extensive coverage of addictions across the lifespan, the book serves as a practical resource for future addiction counselors.
The book is built around a core of treatment interventions that were published in several well-known journals on substance abuse treatment and research in social work practice.
Peirce, J. M., Petry, N. M., Stitzer, M. L., Blaine, J., Kellogg, S., Satterfield, F., et al. (2006). Effects of lower-cost incentives on stimulant abstinence in methadone maintenance treatment: A National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical ...
Interventions For Addiction: Chapter 64. Evidence-Based Treatment
The book identifies the obstacles to effective collaboration among the research, treatment, and policy sectors; evaluates models to address these barriers; and looks in detail at the issue from the perspective of the community-based ...
Interventions For Addiction: Chapter 68. Dissemination of Evidence-based Treatment into Practice
This text is designed as a bridge for practitioners that will provide up-to-date evidence reviews as well as information on how to best keep up with emerging trends in the field.
Addiction treatment must help the individual stop using drugs, maintain a drug-free lifestyle, and achieve productive functioning in the family, at work, and in society.