This book represents a new "earth systems" approach to catchments that encompasses the physical and biogeochemical interactions that control the hydrology and biogeochemistry of the system. The text provides a comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of catchment hydrology, principles of isotope geochemistry, and the isotope variability in the hydrologic cycle -- but the main focus of the book is on case studies in isotope hydrology and isotope geochemistry that explore the applications of isotope techniques for investigating modern environmental problems. Isotope Tracers in Catchment Hydrology is the first synthesis of physical hydrology and isotope geochemistry with catchment focus, and is a valuable reference for professionals and students alike in the fields of hydrology, hydrochemistry, and environmental science. This important interdisciplinary text provides extensive guidelines for the application of isotope techniques for all investigatores facing the challenge of protecting precious water, soil, and ecological resources from the ever-increasing problems associated with population growth and environmental change, including those from urban development and agricultural land uses.
Parkhurst, D.L., Plummer, L.N. and Thorstenson, D.C., 1980. PHREEQE — a computer program for geochemical calculations. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation 80-96. (Revised, 1985). Pearson, F.J., 1965.
We hope that new students and researchers will consider using isotope tracer tools as they seek to define a robust quantitative description of how their humid tropical catchments work . Tracers ...
Environmental isotope and nuclear techniques provide unmatched insights into the processes governing the water cycle and its variability.
This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Environmental Tracers" that was published in Water
The book includes chapters which cover ionic tracers, noble gases, chlorofluorocarbons, tritium, chlorine-36, oxygen-18, deuterium, and isotopes of carbon, strontium, sulphur and nitrogen.
Tracers in Hydrology
The application of natural isotopes, stable as well as radioactive, has become a widespread tool for hydrological research, especially surface- and groundwater behaviour and exploration. By far the most common...
Geology 36:775–778 Pelly IZ, Lipschutz ME, Balsiger H (1970) Vanadium isotopic composition and contents in chondrites. ... Elements 5:359–364 Severmann S, Lyons TW, Anbar A, McManus J, Gordon G (2008) Modern iron isotope perspective on ...
This book has a very strong practical orientation, telling readers what methodologies are available using stable isotopes, how studies should be designed and executed to maximise effectiveness and incisiveness in terms of data obtained and ...
Understand the Environmental Processes That Control Groundwater QualityThe integration of environmental isotopes with geochemical studies is now recognized as a routine approach to solving problems of natural and contaminated groundwater ...