This book presents a new synthesis of the major metallogenic provinces of Europe and the geodynamic processes involved that can lead to the formation of world-class ore deposits. It represents the culmination of a 5-year research programme, GEODE, set up by the European Science Foundation, that brought together researchers across Europe from a wide range of disciplines into collaborative research projects. They focused on five metallogenic provinces across Europe; the Precambrian Fennoscandian Shield, the Upper Palaeozoic Urals, the Variscides of France and SW Iberia, the Alpine–Balkan–Carpathian–Dinaride belt and sediment-hosted deposits of Europe. Because of the long and well-known tectonic history of Europe and the diversity of ore deposits, linkages between geodynamics and ore deposit evolution have been established and new insights into mineralizing fluids and ore formation processes have been gained. Presented as a set of individual review papers and a final synthesis, this book offers a coherent and structured appraisal of geodynamics and metallogeny in Europe, with valuable lessons for mineral exploration and research throughout the world.
... Switzerland ) As an outcome of the European Science Foundation scientific programme , GEODE , on geodynamics and ore deposit evolution , this book examines the underlying geodynamic processes that lead to the formation of ore ...
The Rhenish Massif: Structure, Evolution, Mineral Deposits, and Present Geodynamics
5.12 Potential resources assessment modelling vicinity of the Storliden deposit, steeper *E-W striking structures towards the Kristineberg area, and the steep westerly dips in the Näsliden subarea. The felsic late-orogenic intrusion in ...
Mededel . , 2002 , 12 , 165-168 ABSTRACT One of the projects of the European Science Foundation programme Geodynamics and Ore Deposit Evolution focuses on basin - hosted deposits , including world - class ZnPb deposits .
90, 1604–1619. Blowes, D. (2002) Tracking hexavalent Cr in groundwater. Science 295, 2024–2025. Blundell, D., Arndt, N., Cobbold, P.R. & Heinrich, Ch. (eds) (2005) Geodynamics and ore deposit evolution in Europe. Ore Geol. Rev.
Geodynamics and ore deposit evolution in Europe. Ore Geology Reviews, 27, 1–350, 1016/j.oregeorev.2005.07.001 McCurry, P. 1976. The Geology of the Precambrian to Lower Paleozoic rocks of Northern Nigerian, a Review.
This volume contains 274 extended abstracts, grouped thematically under 18 session titles covering topics such as lead-zinc deposits; metamorphism affecting mineral deposits; and the environmental aspects of mining.
Geol Soc (America Map and Chart Series MCH088) Neubauer F, Heinrich Ch (2003) Late Cretaceous and Tertiary geodynamics and ore deposit evolution of the Alpine–Balkan–Carpathian–Dinaride orogen. In: Eliopoulos et al (eds) Mineral ...
Precambrian Bedrock of Finland - Key to the evolution of the Fennoscandian Shield . ... In : BLUNDELL , D. , ARNDT , N. , COBBOLD , P. R. & HEINRICH , C. ( eds ) Geodynamics and Ore Deposit Evolution in Europe . Ore Geology Reviews , 27 ...
Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August 2003