Chemical Engineering Design: SI edition

Chemical Engineering Design: SI edition
Chemical Engineering Design
Technology & Engineering
Gavin Towler, Ray Sinnott


Chemical Engineering Design is one of the best-known and most widely adopted texts available for students of chemical engineering. It completely covers the standard chemical engineering final year design course, and is widely used as a graduate text. The hallmarks of this renowned book have always been its scope, practical emphasis and closeness to the curriculum. That it is written by practicing chemical engineers makes it particularly popular with students who appreciate its relevance and clarity. Building on this position of strength the fifth edition covers the latest aspects of process design, operations, safety, loss prevention and equipment selection, and much more. Comprehensive in coverage, exhaustive in detail, and supported by extensive problem sets at the end of each chapter, this is a book that students will want to keep to hand as they enter their professional life. The leading chemical engineering design text with over 25 years of established market leadership to back it up; an essential resource for the compulsory design project all chemical engineering students take in their final year A complete and trusted teaching and learning package: the book offers a broader scope, better curriculum coverage, more extensive ancillaries and a more student-friendly approach, at a better price, than any of its competitors Endorsed by the Institution of Chemical Engineers, guaranteeing wide exposure to the academic and professional market in chemical and process engineering.

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