This volume of the Biostatistics and Health Sciences Set focuses on statistics applied to clinical research. The use of Stata for data management and statistical modeling is illustrated using various examples. Many aspects of data processing and statistical analysis of cross-sectional and experimental medical data are covered, including regression models commonly found in medical statistics. This practical book is primarily intended for health researchers with basic knowledge of statistical methodology. Assuming basic concepts, the authors focus on the practice of biostatistical methods essential to clinical research, epidemiology and analysis of biomedical data (including comparison of two groups, analysis of categorical data, ANOVA, linear and logistic regression, and survival analysis). The use of examples from clinical trials and epideomological studies provide the basis for a series of practical exercises, which provide instruction and familiarize the reader with essential Stata packages and commands. Provides detailed examples of the use of Stata for common biostatistical tasks in medical research Features a work program structured around the four previous chapters and a series of practical exercises with commented corrections Includes an appendix to help the reader familiarize themselves with additional packages and commands Focuses on the practice of biostatistical methods that are essential to clinical research, epidemiology, and analysis of biomedical data
... M. Survival Analysis: A Self-Learning Text. 2nd ed. New York: SpringerVerlag, 2005. Kleinbaum D, Kupper L, Nizam A, Muller K. Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariable Methods. 4th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks, 2008.
This volume of the Biostatistics and Health Sciences Set focuses on statistics applied to clinical research.
[BIL 14] BILDER C., LOUGHIN T., Analysis of Categorical Data with R, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, 2014. [BLI 52] BLISS C., ... [EVE 01] EVERITT B., RABE-HESKETH S., Analyzing Medical Data using S-PLUS, Springer, New York, 2001.
Throughout the book, the authors emphasize the importance of good documentation habits to prevent errors and wasted time. To this effect, the book demonstrates the use of strategies and tools for documentation.
The book summarizes various study designs in nutrition research, research hypotheses, the proper management of dietary data, and analytical methodologies, with a specific focus on how to interpret the results of any given study.
The book subsequently covers cross-sectional, longitudinal, hierarchical, survival data.
Throughout the book, the authors emphasize the importance of good documentation habits to prevent errors and wasted time. To this effect, the book demonstrates the use of strategies and tools for documentation.
"This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Stata with an emphasis on data management, linear regression, logistic modeling, and using programs to automate repetitive tasks.
Manuals. and. other. good. books. A.1. Stata. manuals. The complete set of manuals comprises 17 volumes, but most users can make do with less. ... [ST] Survival Analysis and Epidemiological Tables Reference Manual.
Important pitfalls and areas of controversy are discussed. The text is aimed at graduate students, researchers, and analysts in the disciplines of epidemiology, biostatistics, social sciences, economics, and psychology.