This book outlines the phases which turn a state-owned organization into a full-blown privatized plc, via commercialization, corporatization and the so-called fattening-up prior to flotation. The book also covers a range of considerations, from price-fixing to Third World privatizations, and examines in detail the various camps of opposition, asking: has privatisation worked?, who exactly are Thatcherism's share-owning public?, and are the companies they own really more efficient?
La decisión de privatizar: fines públicos, medios privados
Den svåra konsten att privatisera
As an alternative to state welfare, Pirie develops the idea of Personal Lifetime Accounts, which are managed funds through which individuals and families can make independent provision for their own anticipated needs in education, ...
Depuis une vingtaine d'années, les privatisations ont connu un formidable essor aussi bien dans les pays industrialisés que dans les pays en voie de développement.
Corporate Control Versus People's Control Ibon Databank Phil., Inc. Databank & Research Center ... Mines and Rights Act , essentially Geosciences Bureau . cannot defend IP communities from mining organizations have been campaigning for ...
Mongolia in Transition: The Impact of Privatization on Rural Life
An American legend looks at Social Security and the promise of our oldest citizens.
A private contractor's future ability for operating a municipal waste water treatment plant is to withstand an adverse occurrence ( fines by EPA ) without defaulting . Another difference between public employees operating a waste water ...
The volume also characterizes the position of workers in terms of unemployment, wages, union power, and their changing role as employee shareholders.
Privatization: Lessons from Russia and China