Brings together first-hand recollections from the Great War to the Second World War, to vividly illustrate the impact of war. Told in the actual words of the men, women and children who lived through a century of war it is a moving insight into the conflicts of the 20th century.
“ Sergeant Barnes got shot down right in front of me , and Lieutenant Donaldson , and another sergeant had a gaping wound in the upper right corner of his forehead . He was walking crazily in the water , without his helmet , and then he ...
Of Ships, Strikes and Summer Nights: A Community Arts Project
... Yolanda , 276 Sitton , Thad , 89 , 117 Sitzia , Lorraine , 247 Smith , Allan , 29 Smith , Brewster , 247 , 248n6 Smith , Dennis , 31n2 Smith , Philip M. , 181 Smith , Sidonie , 308 Smythe , William E. , 388 Bos Author Index.
An Introduction to the Use of Oral History in the History of Medicine
"Maybe you know someone that has a great story to tell, but they need a little help. This book will give you the tools you need to help them tell their story. one page at a time.
Late in 1940, the young men of the 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery Regiment stepped off the trucks at Camp Bowie in Brownwood, Texas, ready to complete the training they would need for active duty in World War II. This title includes ...
The interviews show the lives of the men, young and old, who worked hard, under harsh conditions, to provide for their families. This book also recognizes and commemorates the end of Newfoundland's traditional seal hunt.
The Last of the Ice Hunters: An Oral History of the Newfoundland Seal Hunt
He is the author of two collections of poems , titled Growing Up Perpendicular on the Side of a Hill and View from My Mother's House , as well as a book about reading and teaching poetry , titled Teaching to Wonder : Responding to ...
"This series contains six books that explore the history and heritage of South Africa. The first five books in the series contain stories of people and events from different historical periods. ..