Gladys and Annie Barnes are sisters living in near poverty in a cottage in Highgate. When they discover that a new landlord is about to take over and install his ill wife in the cottage next door, the sisters are in fear of being thrown out of their home. What does happen involves the sisters, their friends and neighbors, and the landlord and his wife and daughter in something much more frightening and bizarre.
Stories and case studies from England of werewolves and strang cases of possession.
It's a bloody cold winter.
On verra cette idée resurgir sporadiquement dans quelques controverses scientifiques et philosophiques du début du 17e siècle ( je remercie Monsieur Luc Deitz , du Warburg Institute , Londres , pour ces renseignements ) .
From the crusades and the inquisition to the Ku Klux Klan and gay bashings, Newton's book is not limited just to Christian militants. Any violence done in the name of any diety is the subject of this fascinating encyclopedia.
SPIRIT BEINGS As angels are spirit in nature , so are demons . They are contrasted with flesh and blood , that is , beings with bodies ( Eph . 6:12 ) . They are among the invisible creatures of God ( Col.
Faces the question of whether a Christian can have a demon, examines various methods of deliverance, and teaches how deliverance can be maintained. This book describes how people can be released from demonic oppression.
How can we find freedom from our problems? The answers to these tough questions are found in the Bible and are backed up in this book about real life experiences, true conversions, healings, and deliverances.
The Tardis lands in 1963, and soon the Doctor and Sam become involved in the psychological experiments being performed by Charles Roley on former sufferers of mental illness -- he is probing the psyches of six people who believed they've ...
One of the most famous horror stories ever written, The Exorcist is the terrifying story of an 11-year-old girl possessed by an overwhelming demonic force. It is being re-issued to coincide with the book's 25th anniversary.
The witch doctor with sad eyes said to me, 'The demons who used to possess me said they would kill me if I came to America and told all.