... under Intensive Livestock Husbandry Systems, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, (1965, Reprinted 1967), available from https://edepot.wur.nl/134379 35Ibid, 25. 36Ibid, 10–11. 37F W Rogers Brambell, Report of 6.2 Anti-cruelty and Animal ...
Regan T. 2004. The Case for Animal Rights (Berkeley: University of California Press). —— and Singer, P. (eds). 1989. Animal Rights: An Human Obligations, 2nd edn (Pearson). Ryder, R.D. 2000. Animal Revolution: Changing Attitudes Towards ...
... welfare that has ... Report of the Technical Committee to Enquire into the Welfare of Animals Kept under Intensive Livestock Husbandry Systems . London : HMSO command report no . 2836 ( 1965 ) . 5. Thorpe WH . The assessment of pain and ...
Unfortunately, some game parks have come under public scrutiny for allowing so many tourists to be on the ground at once. In Asia, when a tiger is spotted within a park, jeeps often swarm the animal causing unneeded stress and altered ...
also received support: Shaw contributed £2000 to Christopher's Cambridge education, trained Ruth in drama, ... 1995), 231; Michael Holroyd, Bernard Shaw. 1918–1950. The Lure of Fantasy (London: Chatto & Windus, 1991), 467.
These range from use and abuse of training devices, to training which does not allow the musculoskeletal system to adapt to strains of the discipline. Dyson's (2021) ridden horse pain ethogram demonstrates behaviours which are at least ...
Husbandsmen, veterinarians, and livestock producers will find the book highly informative.
The Science in its Cultural Context David Fraser. as illustrated by the artist William Hogarth ( 1697-1764 ) in a series of pictures intended as a visual sermon against cruelty ( Figure 16.2 ) . Paralleling Hogarth's art were writers who ...
... abuse are more likely to be used during training and racing than at sanctioned Quarter Horse or ... use is regulated at traditional racing venues, but not on bush tracks, where over-zealous whipping is common, even though it does not ...
... Christine's Ark: The Extraordinary Story of Christine Townend and an Indian Animal Shelter. Sydney: Pan Macmillan Australia. Llorente, R. 2009. “The Moral Framework of Peter Singer's Animal Liberation: An Alternative to Utilitarianism ...