The UK established the world's first animal welfare protection laws, with the passing of the Protection of Animals Act in 1911 which made it an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to any domestic or captive animal. This draft Bill, which extends to England and Wales, seeks to consolidate and modernise the legislation in line with current animal welfare standards, including the reforms undertaken in other countries such as New Zealand and Sweden. Amongst its provisions, which are grouped under 10 headings, the draft Bill seeks to: i) establish a duty of care to ensure the welfare of all kept animals, enabling animal welfare organisations to intervene where there is evidence an animal is being kept in conditions likely to lead to suffering, rather than having to wait for evidence that the animal has suffered abuse before legal action can be taken; ii) prohibit the sale of pets to children under 16; iii) end the practice of giving pets, including goldfish, as prizes, for example at funfairs; and iv) make offences of animal cruelty or keeping animals for fighting arrestable offences, with the maximum penalty leading to imprisonment upto 51 weeks or a fine of upto £20,000, or both. This publication contains the text of the draft Bill, explanatory notes and a regulatory impact assessment.
Arriving at Hervey Bay on the coast of Queensland!
Chasing the Dream
Thus this book contributes a new new topic of inquiry to Victorian studies; its combination of rhetorical analysis with more conventional methods of historical research offers a novel perspective on Victorian culture.
An Elephant in the Room: The Science and Well-being of Elephants in Captivity
Provides teaching strategies, background, and suggested resources; reproducible student pages to use before, during, and after reading--Cover.
Under the Stairs
I'm Brian Mason , the director of the show . That means I'm responsible for what you see on your TV screens when you watch The Time Travelers . I deal with the filming of the show and also the casting of the characters .
Criminal Code Amendment (Animal Protection) Bill 2015
Velfard hos ungkvag
A look at the diseases of factory farmed animals that are transmissible to humans.