The critically acclaimed laboratory standard for more than forty years, Methods in Enzymology is one of the most highly respected publications in the field of biochemistry. Since 1955, each volumehas been eagerly awaited, frequently consulted, and praised by researchers and reviewers alike. More than 275 volumes have been published (all of them still in print) and much of the material is relevant even today-truly an essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences.
Key Features
* Solid-phase peptide synthesis
* Applications of peptides for structural and biological studies
* Characterization of synthetic peptides
The focus of this new volume is much broader, and covers the essential procedures.
As thousands of individuals worldwide become involved with the study of peptides, and the demand for synthetic peptides rapidly increases, so too does the need for a practical, single-volume treatment...
Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis
2, Special Methods in Peptide Synthesis, Part A, Gross, E. and Meienhofer, J., Eds., Academic Press, New York, 1979, 285. 247. Mutter, M. and Bayer, E., Angew. Chem., 86, 101, 1974. 248. Bonora, G. M., Palumbo, M., Toniolo, C., ...
This volume provides the information needed to synthesize peptides by solid-phase synthesis (SPS) - employing polymeric support (resins), anchoring linkages (handles), coupling reagents (activators), and protection schemes.
Bruce Merrifield, eminent American scientist, 1984 Nobel Prize winner and professor at The Rockefeller University, is noted for his single-handed development of solid phase peptide synthesis. The progress of biochemistry...
In Peptide Synthesis and Applications, a panel of expert researchers and established group leaders describe in step-by-step detail the key methodologies of contemporary peptide synthesis and illustrate numerous applications that employ ...
This book provides a variety of procedures for synthetically producing peptides and their derivatives, ensuring the kind of precision that is of paramount importance for successful synthesis.
Analysis of peptides and determination of their primary structure.
carboxypeptidases like angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), which cleave the C-terminal dipeptide from a peptide chain. ... Introduction of steric bulk along the peptide backbone by substitution of methyl groups for o-hydrogens or amide ...