Scientists and the Sea, 1650-1900: A Study of Marine Science

Scientists and the Sea, 1650-1900: A Study of Marine Science
Science / Life Sciences / Marine Biology
Academic Press
Margaret Deacon


1. The ancient world -- 2. The Middle Ages -- 3. The Renaissance -- 4. The seventeenth centurymovement towards a science of the sea -- 5. Theories and observations of tides -- 6. Marine science in the works of Robert Boyle -- 7. The currents in the Straits of Gilbraltar -- 8. Robert Hooke and the vanishing harvest -- 9. Reawakening interest in the sea, 1700-1800 -- 10. Widening horizons: the last quarter of the eighteenth century -- 11. Marine science in the early nineteenth century: a period of growth -- 12. Wild-meeting oceans: the study of tides -- 13. The threshold of the deep ocean -- 14. The magnificent generalization -- 15. The voyage of H.M.S. Challenger -- 16. Edinburgh and the growth of oceanography at the end of the nineteenth century -- Appendix 1. Propositions of some experiments to be made by the Earl of Sandwich in his present voyage -- Appendix 2. Experiments made by Captain Robert Holmes on 2 and 30 May 1663.

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