The Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences explores all areas of the discipline in its 1000+ focused entries on a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and other related areas of neuroscience. The concise entries are all written at a level of comprehension not previously seen in existing literature by contributing authors representing an eclectic and diverse view of all aspects of neurology from many viewpoints and disciplines to provide a complete overview of the field. The easy-to-use "encyclopedic-dictionary" format features alphabetic entries, extensive cross-referencing, and a thorough index for quick reference. The wealth of information provided by these four volumes makes for compelling reading by everyone from the academic researcher to students, to the curious lay person. An online version of the Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences will be available on ScienceDirect in 2004. Visit for contact and subscription information. Access options are available even if you're not an existing ScienceDirect customer! Provides comprehensive coverage of the field of neurological science in over 1000+ entries, 4-volumes, and over 3400 pages "Encyclopedic-dictionary" format provides for concise, readable entries, easy searching, and extensive cross-referencing Presents complete, up-to-date information on 32 separate areas of neurology Entries are supplemented with useful references and an extensive index