Brave NUI World: Designing Natural User Interfaces for Touch and Gesture

Brave NUI World: Designing Natural User Interfaces for Touch and Gesture
Daniel Wigdor, Dennis Wixon


Brave NUI World is the first practical guide for designing touch- and gesture-based user interfaces. Written by the team from Microsoft that developed the multi-touch, multi-user Surface® tabletop product, it introduces the reader to natural user interfaces (NUI). It gives readers the necessary tools and information to integrate touch and gesture practices into daily work, presenting scenarios, problem solving, metaphors, and techniques intended to avoid making mistakes. This book considers diverse user needs and context, real world successes and failures, and the future of NUI. It presents thirty scenarios, giving practitioners a multitude of considerations for making informed design decisions and helping to ensure that missteps are never made again. The book will be of value to game designers as well as practitioners, researchers, and students interested in learning about user experience design, user interface design, interaction design, software design, human computer interaction, human factors, information design, and information architecture. Provides easy-to-apply design guidance for the unique challenge of creating touch- and gesture-based user interfaces Considers diverse user needs and context, real world successes and failures, and a look into the future of NUI Presents thirty scenarios, giving practitioners a multitude of considerations for making informed design decisions and helping to ensure that missteps are never made again

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