The Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology, Fifth Edition, provides definitions for thousands of terms used in the study of cell and molecular biology. The headword count has been expanded to 12,000 from 10,000 in the Fourth Edition. Over 4,000 headwords have been rewritten. Some headwords have second, third, and even sixth definitions, while fewer than half are unchanged. Many of the additions were made to extend the scope in plant cell biology, microbiology, and bioinformatics. Several entries related to specific pharmaceutical compounds have been removed, while some generic entries (“alpha blockers, “NSAIDs, and “tetracycline antibiotics, for example), and some that are frequently part of the experimentalist’s toolkit and probably never used in the clinic, have been retained. The Appendix includes prefixes for SI units, the Greek alphabet, useful constants, and single-letter codes for amino acids. Thoroughly revised and expanded by over 20% with over 12,000 entries in cellular and molecular biology Includes expanded coverage of terms, including plant molecular biology, microbiology and biotechnology areas Consistently provides the most complete short definitions of technical terminology for anyone working in life sciences today Features extensive cross-references Provides multiple definitions, notes on word origins, and other useful features
Universities Press Dictionary Of Cell And Molecular Biology Contains More Than 2,000 Entries That Explain, Clearly And Concisely, The Most Relevant And Frequently Used Terms In One Of The Most Fascinating Areas Of Contemporary Biosciences.
As a result, this edition is over 30% larger than the previous edition, with 3400 new entries. As with the prior edition, additions are reflective of online search queries performed by users of the dictionary.
Rapid advances in science, medicine, and molecular biology have created a large amount of new information on biomedicine and molecular biology.
As your knowledge grows, you?ll uncover even more terms that you need to understand. You?ll find yourself turning to this handy guide time and time again for help on all levels.
In addition to the most current account of terminology available, this edition includes four newly updated appendices giving a chronology of events bearing on genetics, a list of professional journals, a classification of organisms, and a ...
The book contains color illustrations and charts; and the included CD-ROM contains dozens of video clips, animations, molecular structures, and high-resolution micrographs. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR.
... 3385 osteoartrite 17167 osteoartrite generalizzata 9564 osteoartrite generalizzata primaria 19849 osteoartrite grave 22588 osteoartrite infiammatoria 11869 osteoartrite infiammatoria erosiva 8178 osteoartrite iperplastica 11231 ...
Allen, G. E. 1978 Thomas Hunt Morgan: The Man and His Science. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. Angier, N. 1988 Natural Obsessions: ... Brock, T., editor 1961 Milestones in Microbiology. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
The Dictionary of Developmental Biology and Embryology, Second Edition is the first comprehensive reference focused on the field's terms, research, history, and people.
Carney complex An autosomal dominant multiple neoplasia syndrome in which there are cardiac, endocrine, cutaneous, and neural myxomatous tumours, as well as a variety of pigmented lesions of the Skin and mucosae.