The Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Second Edition develops from the first edition, covering all areas of neurological sciences through over 1000 entries focused on a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and other related areas of neuroscience. The contributing authors represent all aspects of neurology from many viewpoints and disciplines to provide a complete overview of the field. Entries are designed to be understandable without detailed background knowledge in the subject matter, and cross-referencing and suggested further reading lead the reader from a basic knowledge of the subject to more advanced understanding. The easy-to-use 'encyclopedic-dictionary' format of the Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Second Edition features alphabetic entries, extensive cross-referencing, and a thorough index for quick reference. The wealth of information provided by these four volumes makes this reference work a trusted source of valuable information for a wide range of researchers, from undergraduate students to academic researchers. Provides comprehensive coverage of the field of neurological science in over 1,000 entries in 4 volumes "Encyclopedic-dictionary" format provides for concise, readable entries and easy searching Presents complete, up-to-date information on 32 separate areas of neurology Entries are supplemented with extensive cross-referencing, useful references to primary research articles, and an extensive index
The Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Second Edition develops from the first edition, covering all areas of neurological sciences through over 1000 entries focused on a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry ...
(1992) The dorsal vagal complex forms a sensory-motor lattice: The circuitry of gastrointestinal reflexes. In: Ritter S, Ritter RC, and Barnes CD (eds.) Neuroanatomy and Physiology of Abdominal Vagal Afferents, pp. 55–79.
Inferotemporal cortex – Inferior surface of the temporal lobe that is particularly important for object recognition. Integrative agnosia – A form of visual agnosia in which one retains the ability to recognize elements of objects but is ...
The new edition will again cover the relationship between brain and behavior, both in humans and other animals, as well as mental and brain disorders. This new edition spans accross three volumes, 250 chapters and approximately 2000 pages.
It seems at least to be one of the incurables. As his presentation was well received, Huntington submitted his manuscript to the editors of the Medical and Surgical Reporter of Philadelphia, where it was published on April 13, 1872.
The five-volume reference work gathers more than 10,000 entries, including in-depth essays by internationally known experts, and short keynotes explaining essential terms and phrases.
Word production stands in sharp contrast to receptive word processes in showing age differences. Picture naming is slower and likely to produce more errors among older adults. As do the young, older adults show effects of name agreement ...
Researchers from a wide range of disciplines seek answers to such questions as: What is mind? How does it operate? What is consciousness?
This book offers an overview of topics related to neurobiological impairments which are related to the aging brain and nervous system.
This Encyclopedia goes beyond other references in the field to offer concise and comprehensive coverage of assessment, treatment and rehabilitation in a single source, with more than fifteen hundred entries with linked cross-references and ...