Practical Business Statistics

Practical Business Statistics
Practical Business Statistics
Academic Press
Andrew Siegel


Practical Business Statistics, Sixth Edition, is a conceptual , realistic, and matter-of-fact approach to managerial statistics that carefully maintains, but does not overemphasize, mathematical correctness. The book offers a deep understanding of how to learn from data and how to deal with uncertainty while promoting the use of practical computer applications. This teaches present and future managers how to use and understand statistics without an overdose of technical detail, enabling them to better understand the concepts at hand and to interpret results. The text uses excellent examples with real world data relating to the functional areas within Business such as finance, accounting, and marketing. It is well written and designed to help students gain a solid understanding of fundamental statistical principles without bogging them down with excess mathematical details. This edition features many examples and problems that have been updated with more recent data sets, and continues to use the ever-changing Internet as a data source. Supplemental materials include companion website with datasets and software. Each chapter begins with an overview, showing why the subject is important to business, and ends with a comprehensive summary, with key words, questions, problems, database exercises, projects, and cases in most chapters. This text is written for the introductory business/management statistics course offered for undergraduate students or Quantitative Methods in Management/ Analytics for Managers at the MBA level. User-friendly, lively writing style Separate writing chapter aids instructors in teaching how to explain quantitative analysis Over 200 carefully-drawn charts and graphs show how to visualize data Data mining is a theme that appears in many chapters, often featuring a large database (included on the website) of characteristics of 20,000 potential donors to a worthy cause and the amount actually given in response to a mailing Many of the examples and problems in the sixth edition have been updated with more recent data sets, and the ever-changing Internet continues to be featured as a data source Each chapter begins with an overview, showing why the subject is important to business, and ends with a comprehensive summary, with key words, questions, problems, database exercises, projects, and cases in most chapters All details are technically accurate (Professor Siegel has a PhD in Statistics from Stanford University and has given presentations on exploratory data analysis with its creator) while the book concentrates on the understanding and use of statistics by managers Features that have worked well for students and instructors in the first five editions have been retained

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