"The fact remains that everyone who taps at a keyboard, opening a spreadsheet or a word-processing program, is working on an incarnation of a Turing machine." - Time This new and exciting book, scheduled to publish for the 2012 centenary of Alan Turing's birth in London, includes a large number of the most significant contributions from the 4-volume set of the Collected Works of A. M. Turing. These contributions, together with a wide spectrum of accompanying commentaries from current world-leading experts in many different fields and backgrounds, provide insight on the significance and contemporary impact of A.M. Turing's work. Offering a more modern perspective than anything currently available, this unique work gives wide coverage of the many ways in which Turing's scientific endeavours have impacted current research and understanding of the world. It provides a great service to researchers, and at the same time is an approachable entry-point for the large number of people who have limited training in the science, but would like to learn more about the details of Turing's work. Affordable, key collection of the most significant papers by A.M. Turing. Commentary explaining the significance of each seminal paper by preeminent leaders in the field. Additional resources available online.
At the same time, this is the tragic account of a man who, despite his wartime service, was eventually arrested, stripped of his security clearance, and forced to undergo a humiliating treatment program--all for trying to live honestly in a ...
This collection provides a great service to researchers, but is also an approachable entry point for readers with limited training in the science, but an urge to learn more about the details of Turing's work. 2013 winner of the prestigious ...
... 300, 328, 396, 412 Computing Service 396 Signals Establishment 412 Adrian, R. H. 468 aerodynamics 376, 382, 419, 432,438, 602 Afrika Korps 304 after-life 88 Aiken, Howard Hathaway 376, 377, 384, 385, 410, 444 Albania 612 alcohol 24, ...
Drawing on original source material, interviews and photographs, this book explores Turing's groundbreaking work as well as revealing the private side of a complex and unlikely national hero.
The book highlights Turing's contributions to computing and to computer science, including Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life, and the emphasis throughout is on the relevance of his work to modern developments.
A gripping story of mathematics, science, computing, war history, cryptography, and homosexual persecution and liberation. Hodges tells how Turing's revolutionary idea of 1936-- the concept of a universal machine-- laid...
He is widely regarded as a war hero grossly mistreated by his unappreciative country and it has become hard to disentangle the real man from the story. It is easy to cast him as a misfit, the stereotypical professor.
This book presents a facsimile of the original typescript of Turing's fascinating and influential 1938 Princeton PhD thesis, one of the key documents in the history of mathematics and computer science.
In Alan Turing Decoded, Dermot’s vibrant and entertaining approach to the life and work of a true genius makes this a fascinating and authoritative read.
Alan Turing's Automatic Computing Engine (Oxford University Press). 2011a. ... Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age (Oxford University Press). 2017a. 'Baby' in BJ Copeland and others (eds.), The Turing Guide (Oxford University Press).