Bark beetles and pathogens are recognized as two of the most important components of conifer forest ecosystems, and their interactions have major consequences for timber production and ecological processes. Because of the close interaction between these groups of organisms, management of their effects requires an integrated approach rather than the traditional separation of insect and pathogen management. Bark beetles often vector of facilitate pathogen transmission, while pathogens often predispose trees to bark beetle attack. This book addresses advances in bark beetle and pathogen systematics, environmental and host factors predisposing trees to bark beetle or pathogen colonization, mechanisms of interaction between bark beetles and pathogens (and associated organisms), effects on trees and forest ecosystems, and management strategies. No previous book has addressed these multiple aspects of bark beetle - pathogen interactions and their management. Interest in these interactions is certain to increase as global change and forest management affect future responses.
The Bombyliidae of Chile: (Diptera, Bombyliidae)
Following the system of nomenclature proposed by Jones ( 1962 ) , at least five classes of haemocytes have been recognized in ticks , namely ... dorsal branch of arterial sinus ; d - 1 . mdorsolateral suspensory muscles ; d - v . m .
An insect disguises itself as a flower or leaf. A spider lassoes its prey. A beetle persuades a bee to care for its young. This beautifully illustrated book by veteran...
This guide groups caterpillars by their foodplant. The identification is made simple as species are shown where they are likely to be found. Over 500 British and European caterpillars are...
The most comprehensive field guide available to North American butterflies--a must-have for any enthusiast's day pack or home library--from the go-to reference source for over 18 million nature lovers. The...
Nestled in the Appalachian Mountains and heavily forested, West Virginia is home to more than one hundred species of butterflies and their caterpillars. Wildlife biologist Tom Allen has spent years...
The first edition of this reference work became known as the bible of turfgrass entomology upon publication in 1987. It proved invaluable to both professional entomologists and commercial turf managers,...
Some 211 lengthy biographies about outstanding, deceased, North American entomologists. Emphasis on the lives of the men, rather than their accomplishments. Entries are discussed under 14 general categories. References. Photographs....
In The Natural History of Bumblebees, biologists Carol A. Kearns and James D. Thomson give amateurs and professionals alike the basic knowledge to pursue the joys of observing and...