Essential Human Virology

Essential Human Virology
Academic Press
Jennifer Louten


Essential Human Virology is written for the undergraduate level with case studies integrated into each chapter. The structure and classification of viruses will be covered, as well as virus transmission and virus replication strategies based upon type of viral nucleic acid. Several chapters will focus on notable and recognizable viruses and the diseases caused by them, including influenza, HIV, hepatitis viruses, poliovirus, herpesviruses, and emerging and dangerous viruses. Additionally, how viruses cause disease, or pathogenesis, will be highlighted during the discussion of each virus family, and a chapter on the immune response to viruses will be included. Further, research laboratory assays and viral diagnosis assays will be discussed, as will vaccines, anti-viral drugs, gene therapy, and the beneficial uses of viruses. By focusing on general virology principles, current and future technologies, familiar human viruses, and the effects of these viruses on humans, this textbook will provide a solid foundation in virology while keeping the interest of undergraduate students. Focuses on the human diseases and cellular pathology that viruses cause Highlights current and cutting-edge technology and associated issues Presents real case studies and current news highlights in each chapter Features dynamic illustrations, chapter assessment questions, key terms, and summary of concepts, as well as an instructor website with lecture slides, test bank, and recommended activities

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