Back to Basics in Physiology: O2 and CO2 in the Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems exploits the gap that exists in current physiology books, tackling specific problems and evaluating their repercussions on systemic physiology. It is part of a group of books that seek to provide a bridge for the basic understanding of science and its direct translation to the clinical setting, with a final aim of helping readers further comprehend the basic science behind clinical observations. The book is interspersed with clinical correlates and key facts, as the authors believe that highlighting direct patient care issues leads to improved understanding and retention. Physiology students, including graduate and undergraduate students, nursing students, physician associate students, and medical students will find this to be a great reference tool as part of an introductory course, or as review material. Exploits the gap that exists in current physiology books, tackling specific problems and evaluating their repercussions on systemic physiology Provides a bridge for the basic understanding of science and its direct translation to the clinical setting Interspersed with clinical correlates and key facts, highlighting direct patient care issues to help improve understanding and retention Ideal physiology reference for physiology students, including graduate and undergraduate students, nursing students, physician associate students, and medical students
About the Book This book explains the basic concepts of medical physiology in a clear and concise style. The fourth edition presents revised and updated text with numerous new diagrams.
This volume should be especially useful as a text for de partments of biology, zoology, nursing, health, and agricul tural sciences that offer courses in vertebrate and human physiology.
Putting all the facts together, a finch, or any other species, may have DNA errors in the reproductive processes. This may cause some simple point mutations. As in the example described above, the DNA codon AAA may mutate to AAC.
Pardaens K, Van Cleemput J, Vanhaecke J, et al. Peak oxygen uptake better predicts outcome than ... Mujika I, Padilla S. Cardiorespiratory and metabolic characteristics of detraining in humans. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001;33:413–21. 97.
This book offers a comprehensive overview of the basic physiology of the cardiac and pulmonary systems, tools for cardiopulmonary monitoring, and related issues in the management of specific conditions.
Inside Running: Basics of Sports Physiology
Written and illustrated by authors who are both research scientists as well as teachers, this text features illustrations designed to be colored in by students. Each of the drawings focuses...
This is the lecturer's guide to Anatomy & Physiology: Beauty Therapy Basics containing all the answers to the student workbook.
Packed with easily understood, up-to-date and clinically relevant material, this is the only physiology book junior anaesthetists will need.
The book is automatically packaged with the Interactive Physiology 10-System Suite (IP-10) CD-ROM. TheFifth Edition has been revised for "ease of use and ease of assessment.