The Basics of Digital Forensics provides a foundation for people new to the digital forensics field. This book teaches you how to conduct examinations by discussing what digital forensics is, the methodologies used, key tactical concepts, and the tools needed to perform examinations. Details on digital forensics for computers, networks, cell phones, GPS, the cloud and the Internet are discussed. Also, learn how to collect evidence, document the scene, and how deleted data can be recovered. The new Second Edition of this book provides you with completely up-to-date real-world examples and all the key technologies used in digital forensics, as well as new coverage of network intrusion response, how hard drives are organized, and electronic discovery. You'll also learn how to incorporate quality assurance into an investigation, how to prioritize evidence items to examine (triage), case processing, and what goes into making an expert witness. The Second Edition also features expanded resources and references, including online resources that keep you current, sample legal documents, and suggested further reading. Learn what Digital Forensics entails Build a toolkit and prepare an investigative plan Understand the common artifacts to look for in an exam Second Edition features all-new coverage of hard drives, triage, network intrusion response, and electronic discovery; as well as updated case studies, expert interviews, and expanded resources and references
The text contains thorough coverage of the theoretical foundations, explaining what computer forensics is, what it can do, and also what it can’t.
This book provides you with the necessary skills to identify an intruder's footprints and to gather the necessary digital evidence in a forensically sound manner to prosecute in a court of law.
This book is the first to combine cybercrime and digital forensic topics to provides law enforcement and IT security professionals with the information needed to manage a digital investigation.
Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation builds on the success of the Handbook of Computer Crime Investigation, bringing together renowned experts in all areas of digital forensics and investigation to provide the consummate resource ...
This book will appeal to forensic practitioners from areas including incident response teams and computer forensic investigators; forensic technicians from legal, audit, and consulting firms; and law enforcement agencies.
... to write errors directly to the file • Ability to create error log pattern wiping • Ability to verify mode • Ability to create progress reports • Ability to split outputs Jesse Kornblum developed dc3dd at the DoD Cybercrime Center.
George Lucas (yes, that George Lucas) is a very strong advocate of teaching visual communication in schools. Lucas is a firm believer in the power of visuals in communication.When asked by a reporter what's at stake if this ...
Updated with the latest advances from the field, GUIDE TO COMPUTER FORENSICS AND INVESTIGATIONS, Fifth Edition combines all-encompassing topic coverage, authoritative information from seasoned experts, and real-world applications to deliver ...
Starting with an overview, the text describes best practices based on the author’s decades of experience conducting investigations and working in information technology.
This work introduces the reader to the world of digital forensics in a practical and accessible manner.