Food Safety: A Roadmap to Success

Food Safety: A Roadmap to Success
Food Safety
Academic Press
Gary Ades, Ken Leith, Patti Leith


Food Safety: A Roadmap to Success shows readers how to develop written guidelines for defining, developing, and implementing an effective food safety culture. It stresses the importance of having a consistent safety focus and utilizing an executable plan. The book provides means of developing commitment for transformation across the organization, and offers a comprehensive roadmap for creating productive changes that will reduce the potential for catastrophic consequences to your food business. Additionally, it examines the potential effects of taking no action, as well as the benefits of putting in place a strategic, executable plan for change. Food Safety: A Roadmap to Success includes the implications of the various types of organizational structure regarding food safety and offers ways to move from the realities of today to a future that contains better efficiencies and greatly reduced food safety risk. Provides practical information to help readers determine which culture they currently have and offers a framework to greatly reduce food safety risks Presents pertinent information in tables outlining differences in approach by size and food industry segment Includes solid recommendations and further resources applicable to all levels within an organization to ensure success Offers fundamental principles of change management through open communication, education, and measurement implementation

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