Children Learn by Observing and Contributing to Family and Community Endeavors, the latest in the Advances in Child Development and Behavior Series provides a major step forward in highlighting patterns and variability in the normative development of the everyday lives of children, expanding beyond the usual research populations that have extensive Western schooling in common. The book documents the organization of children’s learning and social lives, especially among children whose families have historical roots in the Americas (North, Central, and South), where children traditionally are included and contribute to the activities of their families and communities, and where Western schooling is a recent foreign influence. The findings and theoretical arguments highlight a coherent picture of the importance of the development of children’s participation in ongoing activity as presented by authors with extensive experience living and working in such communities. Contains contributions from leading authorities in the field of child development and behavior Presents a coherent picture of the importance of the development of children’s participation in ongoing activity Provides a major step forward in highlighting patterns and variability in the normative development of the everyday lives of children, expanding beyond the usual research populations that have extensive Western schooling in common Informs and updates on all the latest developments in the field
Destiny and Development is an engaging narrative of one remarkable person's life and the life of her community that blends psychology, anthropology, and history to reveal the integral role that culture plays in human development.
Signed articles, specially commissioned for this work and authored by key figures in the field, conclude with Cross References and Further Readings to guide students to the next step in a research journey.
This work brings together a group of educational and developmental researchers and scholars grappling to find culturally informed and sensitive modes of educating people and communities.
Edited by a diverse group of expert collaborators, the Handbook of the Cultural Foundations of Learning is a landmark volume that brings together cutting-edge research examining learning as entailing inherently cultural processes.
Communities of Learners,” Mind, Culture, and Activity 1 (1994): 209–29; R. G. Tharp and R. Gallimore, Rousing Minds to Life: Teaching, Learning, and Schooling in Social Context (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988); G. Wells, ...
In M. H. Bornstein & M. E. Lamb (Eds.), Developmental science: An advanced textbook (pp. 201–239). ... The cultural socialization of emotion regulation during infancy. ... The rise of consciousness and the development of emotional life.
Kamp, Kathryn A. 2002. Working for a Living. In Children in the Prehistoric Puebloan Southwest, ed. Kathryn A. Kamp, 71–89. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. ———. 2015. Children and Their Childhoods: Retrospectives and ...
Untangling Cultural Influences on Human Cognition: Integrating Evidence across Cultural Contexts and Methodological Approaches
In Segregation by Experience Jennifer Keys Adair and Kiyomi Sánchez-Suzuki Colegrove show us just how much our expectations of children of color affect what and how they learn at school, and they ask us to consider which children get to ...
Indeed, notice that if the content-slot of the belief-file is left truly empty, then there is nothing even to indicate that the person's belief concerns the box or its contents. If infants are capable of questioning attitudes like ...