This book integrates findings from across domains in performance psychology to focus on core research on what influences peak and non-peak performance. The book explores basic and applied research identifying cognition-action interactions, perception-cognition interactions, emotion-cognition interactions, and perception-action interactions. The book explores performance in sports, music, and the arts both for individuals and teams/groups, looking at the influence of cognition, perception, personality, motivation and drive, attention, stress, coaching, and age. This comprehensive work includes contributions from the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and Australia. Integrates research findings found across domains in performance psychology Includes research from sports, music, the arts, and other applied settings Identifies conflicts between cognition, action, perception, and emotion Explores influences on both individual and group/team performance Investigates what impacts peak performance and error production
Donahue, J.A., Gillis, J.H., King, K., 1980. Behavior modification in sport and physical ... Gould, D., Eklund, R.C., Jackson, S., 1992. 1988 US Olympic wrestling ... Gould, D., Damarjian, N., Medbery, R., 1999. An examination of mental ...
The heritability of traits such as mental toughness, motivation, and self- regulation, which are important concepts in sport psychology, is approximately 50% to 60% (Li et al., 2019; Lin et al., 2017; Willems et al., 2019), meaning that ...
The purpose of the book described in this proposal is to compile the most recent experimental and applied research in behavioral sport psychology.
In Understanding psychological preparation for sport: Theory and practice of elite performers (pp. 239–248). Chichester, West Sussex, England: Wiley. Harmison, R. J. (2006). Peak performance in sport: Identifying ideal performance ...
Watson, A. E., & Pulford, B. D. (2004). Personality differences in high risk sports amateurs and instructors. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 99, 83–94. Watson, G. G. (1986). Approach-avoidance behaviour in team sports: An application to ...
Chapter 2: Understanding Biological and Social Influences on Performance -- Nature versus Nurture -- The ongoing debate -- Common errors that lead to misinformation -- Talent development -- Why the interest in experts?
This book brings together world-class professionals to share theoretical understanding applied to sport, exercise and performance domains.
Achieve the mindset of a superior athlete with Sport Psychology Essentials! This book is packed with research-based strategies for developing the mental skills necessary to reach your sport performance goals.
Sport Psychology: The Basics provides an accessible introduction to the fundamental ideas at the heart of Sport Psychology today.
Johnson, U. (2007). 'Psychosocial antecedents of sport injury, prevention and intervention: An overview of theoretical approaches and empirical findings'. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 5,352–369.