Human Remains – Another Dimension: The Application of 3D Imaging in the Funerary Contextbrings together scattered literature on the topic, assimilating disparate pieces that relate to the novel use of non-invasive three-dimensional imaging techniques in the forensic context. All chapters are written by specialists in the field who use these types of imaging techniques within their research, bringing an engaging and comprehensive view that demonstrates the current use of 3D non-invasive imaging techniques using case studies. In addition, the advantages for using such methods, their current limitations, and possible solutions are also reviewed. Includes three dimensional imaging techniques presented from a forensics point-of-view Written by well-renowned specialists in the field Assimilates disparate pieces that relate to the novel use of non-invasive three-dimensional imaging techniques
This book is the first of its kind, combining international perspectives on the current ethical considerations and challenges facing bioarchaeologists in the recovery, analysis, curation, and display of human remains.
Face Lab will continue to utilise 3D digital technologies in facial analysis and depiction of human remains for forensic investigation, or historical figures for ... In: Clement J, Marks M (eds) Computer-graphic facial reconstruction.
Oxford University Press, Oxford concentrates on cremation in prehistoric and protohistoric Europe. Another collection of archaeological studies, from Europe and North America, is Kuijt, I., Quinn, C.P. & Cooney, G., ...
“Shedding light on skeletal remains: the use of structured light scanning for 3-D archiving.” In Human Remains: Another Dimension: The Application of Imaging to the Study of Human Remains, edited by David Errickson and Tim Thompson, ...
Oxford University Press, New York. ... A Geometric Morphometric Study of Regional Differences in the Ontogeny of the Modern Human Facial Skeleton. ... Another Dimension: The Application of Imaging to the Study of Human Remains.
In Patrimonio Cultural de Oaxaca. In Patrimonio cultural de Oaxaca: investigaciones recientes, edited by Joel Vázquez and Patricia Mártinez, pp. 302–328. Secretaría de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City.
1985; Estioko-Griffin and Griffin 1981). “The pervasive myth that women cannot be hunters stems from uncritically viewing the past through the lens of the present,” she (2001: 170) asserted. For their part, John Whittaker and Kathryn ...
Maass P, Friedling LJ (2019) Documented composition of cadaveric skeletal remains in the University of Cape Town Human Skeletal ... In: Human remains: another dimension: the application of imaging to the study of human remains.
This book will present the most advanced research on forensic archaeology presented during the annual European meetings in the last 3 years.
A Preliminary Radiographic and Endoscopic Examination of 21 Mummies at the “Museo De Las Beckett, R.G., Bravo, A. Conlogue, G., and Guillen, S. 2003. ... Duclos, Laura, Ronald Beckett, Sonia Guillen, and Gerald Conlogue. 2000.