Key Advances in Clinical Informatics: Transforming Health Care through Health Information Technology provides a state-of-the-art overview of the most current subjects in clinical informatics. Leading international authorities write short, accessible, well-referenced chapters which bring readers up-to-date with key developments and likely future advances in the relevant subject areas. This book encompasses topics such as inpatient and outpatient clinical information systems, clinical decision support systems, health information technology, genomics, mobile health, telehealth and cloud-based computing. Additionally, it discusses privacy, confidentiality and security required for health data. Edited by internationally recognized authorities in the field of clinical informatics, the book is a valuable resource for medical/nursing students, clinical informaticists, clinicians in training, practicing clinicians and allied health professionals with an interest in health informatics. Presents a state-of-the-art overview of the most current subjects in clinical informatics. Provides summary boxes of key points at the beginning of each chapter to impart relevant messages in an easily digestible fashion Includes internationally acclaimed experts contributing to chapters in one accessible text Explains and illustrates through international case studies to show how the evidence presented is applied in a real world setting
Information Retrieval, A Health Care Perspective. New York: Springer-Verlag. * This textbook on information retrieval systems in the health-care domain covers stateof-the-art, as well as research, systems. Lindberg D.A., Humphreys B.L., ...
This books provides content that arms clinicians with the core knowledge and competencies necessary to be effective informatics leaders in health care organizations.
... GSLC IT Director Austal USA Mobile, AL Todd Johnson PhD Professor, School of Biomedical Informatics University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, TX Ken Masters PhD Assistant Professor of Medical Informatics Medical Education ...
The book reviews pertinent aspects and successful current experiences related to standards for health information systems; digital systems as a support for decision making, diagnosis and therapy; professional and client education and ...
This book is a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students, practitioners, researchers, clinicians and data scientists who are interested in how to explore the intersections between bioinformatics and health informatics.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Management of Health care and Medical Technology. ... In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Issues & Trends of Information Technology Management in Contemporary Organizations - 2002 Information ...
Hospitals and health care, implementers of EMR and providers alike, should take into account patient perceptions about ... Aziz Sheikh, Inpatient Clinical Information Systems , Key Advances in Clinical Informatics, 2017 • F. Sittig and ...
The use of techniques like artificial intelligence in the field of knowledge management is also discussed. This book is intended for researchers and academicians to explore new ideas, techniques, and tools.
The 'Delivering for Health' (Scottish Executive, 2005b). These reports appear to have acknowledged the changing focus of chronic disease management and service provision within the NHS. More, political support for self-care may also ...
Highlighting a range of topics such as data security and privacy, health informatics, and predictive analytics, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for doctors, hospital administrators, nurses, medical professionals, IT specialists, ...